Spirituality means different things for different people. But the underlying theme in all these different shades of opinion is the fact that it is a means to attain peace and quietitude of mind.
What is spirituality really? To some, who are religoiusly inclined, it means following the tenets of one's religion including faithfully observing all the practices that are ordained in one's faith. To others, it simply means following their conscience and living according to its dictates. Some people actually dislike the term "spirituality" since it is , according to them, allied closely, or rather too closely to religion. And they themselves deny that they are "spiritual" and they debunk the very term.
Well, then what does the term convey actually? It simply means improving the quality of one's thougthts and thereby the quality of one's life. A spiritual person need not be a believer. Any person, who is desirous of improving his inner self and thereby his outer life can be termed as spiritual. This is because ultimately, by following all the religious practices and reading the religious texts, one hopes to attain that elusive peace of mind which can also be attained by anyone who learns to control his thoughts. Purity of thought and deed results in peace of mind and so it is essential that no negative thoughts disturbs our mind and prevents us from attaining that state of mind which we aspire for. You can never be really spiritual when you are attracted to those stories and news that speak of mayhem.

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